Jeff, Amanda, Thomas, and Chloe

Jeff, Amanda, Thomas, and Chloe

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekends just aren't long enough!

I am enjoying the last part of the last Sunday that I will have with Jeff for a while. He leaves on Thursday, so we've been trying to get the house ready so that it will be a little easier for me after he goes. We gave the kids their bears today, and they really loved them. Jeff made them each special bears at "Build A Bear", and we dressed them like he will be dressed when he's gone. He also recorded messages for both of them and we had them put inside the bears. They are too cute! I got lots of pictures that I'll put on here tomorrow. :)

Yesterday was Day 1 of "Chloe is not wearing pullups anymore". I am so tired of it! She knows that as long as she has pullups's okay, she doesn't HAVE to go to the potty. Well, not anymore, sister! I made her go and put panties on, and told her that she's only going to wear pullups at night.. So, today is Day 2, and she has had NO ACCIDENTS! So, it's actually going pretty good so far. We'll see.

We have decided that we need to find another home for our dogs. :( We thought there would be no problem having a couple of big dogs, because we have a big, fenced back yard, but they are digging out of it! I just don't know how I can handle that when Jeff is not here, so we think this is the best thing to do. Poor things, they are just a year old, and are Labs, so naturally, they are in their chewing, digging phase. They are really good dogs, it's just that this is really bad timing, and we hate it. So, soon we will be pet-less.

I think that "the sickness" has passed through our house, and is finally gone. Thank goodness! I don't know what I would do with a house full of sick people when Jeff leaves, or even worse, that he would be sick when he left. Boo! But, everyone seems to be doing fine now.

I think that once we get into our routines, everyone will be fine over here. I hope that everything is well for everyone reading this, and that everyone had a good weekend!

My bestest friend is coming!

Yeah! My bestest friend in the world is coming to see me with Rick on Valentine's Day! Heather should be here on Friday night or Saturday morning, and I'm so excited! I usually have to bend her arm to get her here, but I think that she doesn't want me to be alone on Valentine's Day...what a great friend!! I love you, Heather!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Sick Thomas :(

Okay, so I'm still not so sure what I'm doing on here! I want it to be pretty like everyone else's!

I have been so sick all week, and today I was finally feeling better! Then, the nurse calls me to come and get Thomas from school because he is throwing up all over her office. OMG. So, I go and get him and we get home. I set him up a place to lay down and rest and watch a movie...and he feels better. Wow. How did it take me a week to feel better? Someone, tell me, please. Oh well, at least he's not throwing up all over our house!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tired of Sleeping!

I have been sick all week...and I'm so tired of sleeping! I bet that I've been a sleep for the most of this week. I am feeling better now (thank goodness), and Jeff has taken really good care of me. We went and got our taxes done, and of course, I took a loss on the business (real estate), which is good if you're filing your taxes!! So, we are really happy that we got that done before Jeff leaves on Thursday. We also did our Wills and Power of Attorney and all of that jazz that goes along with this stuff. I'm many times am I going to go and visit MS in the next four months? Probably quite a bit. But, could there also be a visit in the works to California in April?? I think so.